1. The Poets of Pottery Exhibition is an exhibition that happens during the Mansfield Pottery Festival – Labour Day weekend 7 -10 March 2024. It is held in the Clay Stables, community pottery studio at 5 Curia Street, Mansfield.

  2. Mansfield & District Potters (MAD Potters) welcomes entries for the Poets of Pottery exhibition from ceramic artists and potters. In conducting this event, MAD Potters aims to provide opportunities for potters and designers to exhibit contemporary ceramic works to showcase their Imagination & Expression through pottery.

  3. Opening Night Event open to the public Friday 7 March. Exhibition continues until Monday 10 March 2025.

  4. Provenance and identification: Artworks must be the original work of the artist. All work must be identified with a temporary label attached securely to the underside of the work clearly showing the name of the artist, the title, medium and price.

  5. Size of works: Works must be stable and self-supporting and capable of being displayed on a the top surface of a plinth which measures 450mm x 450mm. Individual works must weigh no more than 40kg including packing. Works weighing more must be delivered in person to Mansfield by arrangement on a designated date and if unsold must be collected by the artist OR at a designated time by their own Carrier at the artist’s risk and cost.

  6. Digital images of artworks: Finalists are required to provide 2 good quality digital images of each work in jpg format – FileName – Your Surname_PoP24_WORK TITLE -1 MB each (minimum compression) showing:
    [i] a full image and
    [ii] a detail of the work and
    [iii] Image showing how artwork will be displayed on the plinth of 450mm x 450mm. Images may not be ‘improved’ beyond cropping and framing and will be used for final exhibition selection. Finalists will be required to provide high-res photos if requested.

  7. Artist’s statement: An artist statement maximum 80 words, describing the ideas and objectives behind each work entered, and the materials and techniques used.

  8. Expression of Interest: Please submit an EOI with link or images of general style of work (not necessarily actual work being submitted) by 15 October 2024(see Cl. 31. Timeline)

  9. Exhibitors: Successful applicants will be notified by 15 November with details of exhibition arrangements.

  10. Entry fee: A non-refundable up-front fee of $20 per artwork submitted. An artist may submit up to 3 artworks.

  11. Selling work during the exhibition. All artwork must be for sale. If an artwork sells during the exhibition artists will have the option of letting the work be taken at the time and display another piece for sale. This arrangement will be made in conversation with each artist – whether to have work available for replacement or whether the sold artwork needs to be picked up at the end of the exhibition.. However, no artwork will be replaced during the Opening Night.

  12. An image showing display of work/s on a plinth display area 450mm x 450mm is a necessary requirement so we can curate the exhibition.

  13. Fee payment: Entry ‘plinth fees’ of $20 for each to be paid prior to the exhibition by 7 Feb 2024 to confirm your place in the exhibition.

  14. Entry complete: Entries cannot be accepted unless [i] they have been accepted by MAD Potters to exhibit [ii] display instructions [iii] 2 images of each entry correctly named [iv] plinth/entry fee payment [v] a statement about each work and [vi] the artist’s CV (optional) and the $10 fee for each artwork (to be initially displayed) is paid.

  15. Selection and advice to artists: Exhibitors will be pre-selected from the digital images and dimensions provided. Artists will be notified by 15th December 2023 if their EOI has been successful. Finalists will be invited to exhibit their works and given further instructions about delivery and exhibition arrangements etc.

  16. Packing: All works must be packed securely. All works will be returned in original packaging. The artist is responsible for packaging. Each artwork needs to be individually packaged with an address label. As an artwork sells or is returned the original packaging will be used. This gives the artist control over how their works are packaged and presented to customers to take away or returned.

  17. Shipping/postal arrangements: Arrangements for delivery and return will be outlined to all finalists in their notification of acceptance. Delivery & return is at the cost of the artist. – see timeline 31

  18. Note: No entries may be sent direct to Mansfield except by arrangement with MAD Potters: secretary@madpotters.org.au. Artists may deliver works personally to Mansfield at a time to suit MAD Potters (and return after the exhibition to collect unsold work).

  19. The exhibition will close at 5.00pm on Sunday 10 March and works will be available for collection after that.

  20. Display of works: All works must be ready to display in accordance with the display instructions provided by the artist and agreed to by MAD Potters. MAD Potters reserve the right to re-arrange the artworks at their discretion.

  21. Plinths are of different heights but all have the same display area dimensions. MAD Potters will make every effort to follow the instructions but cannot guarantee displaying works requiring complex/potentially risky adjustments. Artwork pieces should be stable and able to be shown on a plinth or table no more than 450mm x 450mm.

    Jewellery should have a “bust” supplied where necessary.

  22. Reproduction of artwork images: Completion and signing of the Poets of Pottery entry form indicates permission for images to be re-produced by MAD Potters for promotional purposes.

  23. Unsold works: ( 17. Shipping arrangements). Artists will be responsible to pick up or make arrangements for collection of unsold works. MAD Potters may hold works for collection for a specified time after the exhibition by arrangement on an individual basis.

  24. Uncollected works: Works uncollected after 3 weeks from leaving the exhibition (See Cl. 17 Shipping arrangements) may be subject to storage charges or, following reasonable efforts to contact the artist, put up for sale or discarded.

  25. Damage, loss, breakage or theft: MAD Potters Inc. venues or exhibition spaces will take due care of all works but will not be responsible for damage to or the loss, breakage or theft of any work while in transit or on exhibition. It is strongly recommended that artists insure their own work and pack in secure packaging. Insurance of work is the responsibility of the Artist. (See Cl 16)

  26. Public Liability Insurance: MAD Potters and the exhibition venue will provide public liability insurance for the duration of the exhibition.

  27. GST: MAD Potters is not registered for GST nor is it required to be registered for GST.

  28. Commission: commission of 25% is payable to MAD Potters on works sold.

  29. Prices: the price/s indicated on entry forms should be in Australian dollars (inc GST if applicable). There is no limit on the price set for any work displayed as part of the Poets of Pottery Exhibition. Please note that pieces priced below $2,000 are more likely to sell in the burgeoning regional/domestic/ collectors’ markets

  30. Confirm that artwork has not been exhibited previously in the ‘Poets of Pottery’ exhibition.
  31. Payment for sales: Transfers for the sale amount, less commission will be forwarded to the artist at the address provided within 28 days of the exhibition closing.

  32. Timeline for Poets of Pottery exhibition:

  • 15 Oct – EOI from artists by email with link or images of general style of work. (Not necessarily actual work being submitted)

  • 15 Nov – Artists confirmed and notified.

  • 30 Jan – Images of final works etc. Entry complete as Terms & Conditions

  • 1 Feb – Invoice sent out for entries

  • 7th Feb – Invoices paid to confirm application.

  • 6 – 7 March – Artwork received/delivered by arrangement.

  • 7 – 10 March – Exhibition.

  • 10 March – Unsold work collected

  1. MAD Poets of Pottery Award: The Poets of Pottery Award will be awarded to the artwork that best fits the theme “Imagination & Expression through pottery’. This award is a trophy and will be presented at the Exhibition opening.

  2. Please direct any enquiries to secretary@madpotters.org.au We look forward to working with artists to make the event as enjoyable and successful as possible and we appreciate your feedback.