The Clay Stables invites MAD Potters Members to apply to be a Studio Host.
A Studio Host is a volunteer position approved by the MAD Potters Committee. They will be rostered on to oversee Studio open hour sessions and will be responsible for ensuring that our Policies & Procedures are being observed by those attending and that the Safety & Etiquette – The Clay Stables are understood by those in the session.
The Studio Host will open & close The Clay Stables and follow the rules associated with that.
A Studio Host will generally not do their own work while on duty as a Host. Specific jobs will be allocated depending on skills.
A Studio Host benefits:
Volunteering for 2 x 3 hour sessions per month entitles a Studio Host to access the studio at no cost for other sessions during the same month.
Casual access by members paid at the time of attending.:
$20 per 3 hour session
$10 (concession) for 3 hour session
To apply to be a Studio Host or to find out more contact the MAD Potters Secretary: