Management, staff, volunteers and contractors at Mansfield & District Potters Inc. are required to abide by this Code.
The Committee will:
- Be responsible for the overall welfare and wellbeing of staff and volunteers;
- Be accountable for managing and maintaining a duty of care towards volunteers; and
- Nominate a Child Protection Officer to provide information and support to all volunteer, children, young people and their carers regarding child protection matters.
All people involved in the care of children on behalf of Mansfield & District Potters will:
- Work towards the achievement of the aims and purposes of the organisation;
- Be responsible for relevant administration of programs and activities in their area;
- Maintain a duty of care towards others involved in these programs and activities;
- Establish and maintain a child-safe environment in the course of their work;
- Be fair, considerate and honest with others;
- Treat children and young people with respect and value their ideas and opinions;
- Act as positive role models in their conduct with children and young people;
- Be professional in their actions;
- Maintain strict impartiality;
- Comply with specific organisational guidelines on physical contact with children;
- Respect the privacy of children, their families and teachers/carers, and only disclose information to people who have a need to know;
- Maintain a child-safe environment for children and young people;
- Operate within the Rules of Association, policies and guidelines of Mansfield & District Potters
- Contact the police if a child is at immediate risk of abuse (telephone 000).
What happens if you breach this Code of Conduct
If you breach this Code of Conduct you will face disciplinary action in accordance with MAD Potters Inccorporated – Rules of Association including and up to termination of employment or cessation of engagement with the organisation.